Wudang Short Hand Form DVD -
In this DVD, Betty demonstrates Short Hand form in both front and reverse views. Including selected details and extra scenes in a clear easy to follow format with subliminal music to help calm the mind. Short Hand Form has been developed for beginners and this DVD helps the student to practice out of class.
Wudang Long Hand Form DVD -
1 hour running time. In this DVD Betty demonstrates Long Hand Form in both front and reverse views with subliminal music to help calm the mind. Selected details and extra scenes allows the student to stop the DVD at a specific section and repeat to aid learning. This DVD will help the student to deepen their level of understanding and practice out of class
Wudang Sabre Training DVD -
In this DVD you will learn the skills necessary to allow you to train with the Sabre safely and proficiently. Betty demonstrates drilling, sequences and Wudang Form.
Wudang Spear Training DVD -
Recorded in slower than real time this DVD will allow you to develop skills train with this weapons safely and proficiently. Betty demonstrates Wudang Spear Form and stances with sections examining postures, footwork, different grips on the spear and the depth of stance necessary for you to develop your understanding of this weapon.
SATs DVD for Primary Schools
In this DVD Betty demonstrates the practical exercises and techniques to help you enable your students to improve outcomes.
Based on the Ancient Arts of Tai Chi and Qigong, the specific Chinese exercises in this programme are practiced to improve physical health and mental wellbeing. The techniques are supported by subliminal background music to help calm the mind. With regular practice, we can learn how to manage the mind and understand that being calm and in control can enhance performance and outcomes in many ways.
Price DVD £30 -
Contents of these DVD's should not be copied, or posted on You Tube or Social Network without prior consent from Betty Sutherland of UK Tai Chi.
Copyright 2007-